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Predictive Analytics for
Surveys & Market Research

Offering an array of solutions and services to meet the highest standards of professional survey researchers.

You’re an expert at studying people’s attitudes, opinions, and experiences. Version 1’s SPSS team are the experts at supporting you, offering an array of solutions and services to meet the highest standards of professional survey researchers.

Version 1 fully understands that different types of quantitative market research – such as academic research, consumer market research, product marketing research, and more – require different solutions. That’s why we offer you a full range of options, both in technology we offer and in the services we provide.

Predictive analysis, statistical learning, perceptual mapping and preference scaling, along with specialized planning tools such as stratified, clustered or multistage sampling, are combined with the ability to model the consumer decision-making process. The result? Your inferences can now be statistically validated

IBM 2022

Predictive Analytics for Surveys & Market Research

IBM SPSS Statistics is a comprehensive statistical and survey research tool. It is intuitive and easy to use and allows survey researchers to connect to data, transform it, and quickly derive insights from survey and market research.

Users can switch from data to variable information as they work, create multiple response variables, present results in custom tables or visual formats, access extensive statistical procedures, and use code and automation effortlessly. Users can run analyses and reports at the touch of a button.

Our SPSS Survey Analysis expertise can deliver an array of solutions and services to meet the highest standards of professional survey researchers.

Primary Analytics Solutions for Surveys & Market Research

Design the analytical solution that is best for your business. 

“I really value SPSS for its clear, user-friendly interface.  Also, its wide range of functionality allows me to run everything from basic descriptive statistics to more advanced analysis with ease.”

Louisa Tate, Independent Consultant

“Now that we are using SPSS with Version 1 we are able to extract meaningful and insightful data from our surveys in a more timely manner. This has real business benefits.”

Graeme Stevenson, Arts Council Northern Ireland

“Choosing SPSS Statistics Base and SPSS Modeler has been very advantageous. Proof lies in the results achieved and the fact that we rely so much on the tools. We will continue to seek other SPSS Inc. tools that will help us gain competitive advantage.”

Market Planning and Bundling Department, VTR GlobalCom

“With predictive analytics, we were basically able to close a hole in our pocket where money was leaking out steadily. We were also ready to show that this was just the beginning.”

Bill Dibble, Infinity Property & Casualty

“IBM SPSS predictive analytics software has given us the means to learn systematically from our experience. By learning from the history, we can know today who will buy a given product in the future.”

Ola Gistafsson, Länsförsäkringar

“Analytics gives us a method of assessing impact of factors that we may not be able to measure directly – so that we can do more with the data we already have, instead of making big investments in high-tech equipment.”

Matthiew Lirette-Gelinas, IBM Bromont

“Course was excellently presented with a clear overview of research and statistics principles and the IBM SPSS Statistics software package. I found it challenging but very informative and a useful introduction to IBM SPSS Statistics.”

Paul Sheehan, Cork Simon Community
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Surveys & Market Research Case Studies

Case Study

Case Study – MarketCast

Market Research | Statistics

MarketCast needed to cross-tabulate huge volumes of data into a condensed, easy-to-read format that could be readily used by internal report writers, while simultaneously reducing both project turnaround time and the high number of “cut and paste” errors. They implemented IBM SPSS Reports for Surveys, complementing its core analytics engine, IBM SPSS Statistics and more than tripled their custom business over the last couple of years.

SPSS Advanced Analytics & Deployment
Case Study

Case Study – Lansforsakringar

Insurance | Market Research | Modeler

Länförsäkringar wanted a more systematic way to analyze its wealth of customer data and to generate insights that would help optimize marketing campaigns and other customer interactions. Länsförsäkringar implemented IBM SPSS predictive analytics software to analyze large quantities of data from various data sources and effectively identify different patterns of customer behavior

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Discover More Industry-Specific Solutions

Version 1’s SPSS experts can consult and deliver a wide variety of analytics solutions across a broad range of industry sectors.  Find out more at the links below.

Arrange a free consultation to discuss your analytical needs, and identify the best solution for you.