Tech Tips
Create a Graph Template in IBM SPSS Statistics
To improve your experience using IBM SPSS Statistics, the Version 1 SPSS experts have created various Tech Tips. This Tech Tip shows how to create a graph template in IBM SPSS Statistics.
In IBM SPSS Statistics, you can work inside a single, integrated interface to run descriptive statistics, regression, advanced statistics and machine learning models. You can create publication-ready charts, tables, and decision trees in one tool. IBM SPSS Statistics is easy to use, provides analysis automation, comprehensive statistical tools, integration with open source, and help at your fingertips.
If you are running multiple graphs of the same type, for example, a bar graph, you can create a custom template to apply to your graphs. If you run a graph and make changes, you can save the changes as a template. Double-click on the graph you want to use as a template to open it in Chart Editor. You can make changes to adjust the graph. Click on the File menu and select Save Chart Template. Select settings to save and click Continue.
There are multiple settings that you can save. You can choose All Settings to save all settings on your chart. The Layout settings include Chart size, Text data and other frames, and Orientation. The Text Content includes Chart titles, X-axis titles and Y-axis titles. Styles settings include Text formatting, Non-data element styles, and data element styles. Axes settings are scale axes and category axes. Data value label settings include Display, Content, Font style, Position and Fill and Border and Number/date format.
Once you have made your selections, click Continue. Select the location to save the new template to and name it. Click on Save. To apply the new template, select the graph to change. Double-click to open it in Chart Editor. Select File and Apply Chart Template. Browse to the location of the template and click Open. The new template will be applied – it’s that easy!
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