Public Professional Training Courses | 2 Day Course

Data Manipulation Techniques in IBM SPSS Statistics

Discover the power of IBM SPSS Statistics. Our Version 1 SPSS experts offer comprehensive Statistics training with express and longer courses. This training is more than just a course; it’s a key to unlocking your potential. It’s a tool that can be tailored to your individual or group needs, enhancing your skills and expanding your knowledge of statistical analysis and machine learning methods. By investing in this training, you are maximising your usage of this powerful tool.

IBM SPSS Statistics is not just a comprehensive statistical platform; it’s a practical tool. Users can bring data into Statistics, examine it, transform it, and run basic and advanced statistical analyses. This course will demonstrate powerful data manipulation techniques and show how to apply them to transform data and extract valuable insights.

This two-day course will cover the following topics:

  • Choices in running IBM SPSS Statistics
  • Computing with numeric and non-numeric data
  • Advanced data modifications
  • Data transformations
  • Data restructuring
  • Data validation
  • Controlling the statistics environment
  • Aggregating data
  • Merging files: adding cases and adding variables
  • Handling multiple response items
  • Graphics templates
  • Editing pivot tables
  • Helpful features in IBM SPSS Statistics

On completing this course, you should be confident in leveraging the power of IBM SPSS Statistics to manage and transform your data.

Course attendees will receive a course manual and sample data files after completing the course.

Best for: Those who are new to SPSS or have used SPSS in the past and would like a complete overview of data manipulation methods in IBM SPSS Statistics.

Course Duration

2 Days

Experience Level

Entry Level

Upcoming Dates

14th July 2025 (2 Days)


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